Teaching Methods
Four modules together with introductory, policy context and closing sections
‘Bite-size’ video presentations from members of the Faculty for each module
Computer-based exercises using MS Excel
*NEW* Alternative ‘R’-based exercise track for those already familiar with R
Video ‘run-through’ of each exercise by members of the Faculty
Online discussion forums monitored by Faculty and tutors
One ‘live’ question and answer session for each module with module leads
How It Works
Course Dates
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Model and populate a Markov model with time-dependent probabilities based on the results of parametric survival modelling
Develop a probabilistic model to reflect parameter uncertainty and to run Monte Carlo simulation
Present the results of a probabilistic model using net monetary benefits and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves
Assess the expected value of perfect information

Course Lead Andrew Briggs

Course Lead Mark Sculpher

Module Lead Claire Rothery
The Private/Commercial Rate for this course is £1,450 per student.
The Academic/Public Sector Rate for this course is £995 per student.
NOTE: An additional 25% discount on top of the public sector/academic price is available for persons working for academic institutions, public sector or non-governmental organisations in countries defined as low or middle income (LMIC) by the World Bank. Please email Nicola Bogle at [email protected] to request access to the dedicated registration form.